Full Time / Part Time Babysitter / Nanny in Gurgaon

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in Gurgaon
Without Paying Agency Commission

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Babysitter / Nanny In Gurgaon

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are looking to hire a nanny in Gurgaon, here are some expert tips on how to train her effectively:
1. Routine of your kid: You have to explain the entire day’s schedule of the kid to the new babysitter so that she can continue with the same schedule and be prepared in advance.
2. Safety measures: You need to sensitise the maid for baby care regarding potential hazards in the house. Everyone has different standards of safety. You should be able to explain what you are ok with and what not.
3. Personal time: The baby care taker will need some personal time for herself for eg to make phone calls. You can schedule this time when the kid is sleeping or at school.
4. Restrictions regarding showing Video: The easiest way to engage kids these days is to show them animated videos on mobile. But excessive screen time harms kids in multiple ways. Therefore, it should be made clear to the nanny for baby if she is permitted to show mobile to the kid or not. If yes, on what occasions? However, You have to be careful that if you are yourself not following the restriction, it may be difficult to expect it from the baby caretaker.
5. Emergency contacts: If the maid is going to be babysitting at home all alone, it is wise to give her a list of people she needs to contact in an emergency.
6. Eating habits: Tell her about what the kid likes to eat and what she resists. What is the quantity to be served in each meal.
7. Watch it from a distance: After you have told her the basic stuff, it is time for her to start baby sitting your kid. You should watch her from a distance and suggest changes for eg. pay attention how she bathes the baby, how she feeds or puts her to sleep.
8. Cleaning: How to clean the bottles and other utensils of the baby. Which soap to use etc.
The above training guidelines are recommended whether you are looking to hire through an agency for babysitters or through an online portal like JobNukkad.