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We all want to minimise eating outside food due to the unhealthy cooking style and the sub-standard ingredients used. Therefore, home food is the healthiest option. In today’s time, we are busy with our work and other chores. Hence, hiring a cook for home (male cook or female cook) is the most sensible choice. But, for people who watch their diet, the common worry is if the maid for cooking will be able to prepare healthy food. Here are some tips you can use:
A. Explain your definition of healthy food: We need to understand that the cook is coming from a different background and her definition of healthy food is going to be different from your definition. So, be specific and explain in detail what is your preference. For example, lesser oil is to be used, prefer atta over maida, use more vegetables etc.
B. Give proper ingredients to the home cook: Make sure that the ingredients that you want her to use are available in the kitchen stock.
C. Give her time: When the cook maid learns the new recipe, she may not get it right in the first go. It may take a couple of attempts for the dish to come out as expected. It is important that you give her the time. Discuss how she could have cooked differently.
D. You Tube: You Tube is a great source of healthy home cooking videos. And the best part is that there are plenty of videos in Hindi, Bengali as well. You can search the videos and send the link to the cook or she can watch on your mobile.
E. Non-stick pans: Give her non-stick pans and other utensils so that she can cook in lesser oil.
F. Encourage the cook to ask questions: She will be able to learn fast if she feels free to ask questions.
India is the most diversified country. As such, it is highly likely that your 24 hours maid for home cooking comes from a different culture than yours. Cultural issues could be due to the region of origin and also due to the economic background. The issues could also differ depending upon whether you have hired a male cook or a female cook.
When a new Live-in cook/maid joins, she may or may not do things the way you expect. For example, the way she folds clothes or arranges utensils in the kitchen may be different from yours.
Try to understand the reason behind that. It could be because the cook is used to do it that way at her home. Or, it could be that her previous employer wanted her to do it that way. You have to explain to her that you want it to be done differently. If you also explain the reason behind the same, she will be more receptive.
You have to give the home cook some time to change her habits. It is important that you give her detailed instructions, for example, instead of asking her to microwave the daal, tell her which containers can be used in the micro-wave and that daal is to be microwaved for 1 minute.
If you are asking the cook to use an appliance, for example, a juicer, ask her if she has used it before. If she is not confident, you should demonstrate it first.
Lastly, if your full time cook has learnt something from her previous employer, it is possible that it is better than your method. Be open to accepting her way of doing things if that is more efficient.
The above guidelines are broadly relevant whether you are looking to hire in Delhi through an agency for cooks or directly through an online portal like JobNukkad.