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ఉద్యోగాలు మహిళలకు మాత్రమే (Jobs only for ladies)
There is no age limit for a babysitter job in Hyderabad. However, families prefer to hire younger nannies below the age of 35 years as they can run after kids and be more active. For older nannies, it is suggested that they take jobs where they have to take care of younger babies such as babies below 1.5 years of age. Such young babies need more experienced babysitters and also there is lesser physical activity involved.
However, it totally depends on the preference of the employer families and hance there is no restriction.
Earlier, babysitters had to go from one residential society to another enquiring about nanny vacancies. They could also check with their friends and relatives for references. While these methods still work, there is a smarter way to search for a baby care job near you in Hyderabad. You can use online portals such as Job Nukkad to find suitable jobs for you. You can connect with employer families directly and find a job without an agency or middleman.