7 Simple techniques to be kept in mind while drafting the 'RESUME'

It's a well known fact that it takes about 10 seconds for an employer to judge you and your personality based on yourresume. The resume is supposed to be a relatively quick way for someone to get to know your personal and professional accomplishments, skills, interests, and the potential you have to create value in a given Career opportunity. The sad thing is, it's pretty outdated and overloaded with jargon. But here are 7 very simple techniques which forms the backbone of an attractive resume
1) Read through the job description and modify your resume's Career Objective accordingly.
2) Limit the use of technical jargon in your resume.
3) Focus on Transferable skills, which is an ability or expertise which may be used in a variety of roles or occupations when required. Examples include communication, problem-solving and self-control. Transferable skills can be anything which in totality can help you in your job, so focus on them and bring them out in style on your resume.
4) Always Quantify your achievements:
Rather than using the words like "contributed a lot to the xyz project", use the quantum to describe your achievements. This will help the employer in knowing "How much" was your contribution.
5) Proper Formatting:
If you fail to format your resume properly, all your experience ends up counting for nothing.
6) Do not make Spelling Mistakes
Making spelling errors in your resume is a cardinal sin, you don't want your employer to look at your resume and find "Business Anlyst" instead of "Business Analyst". Make sure you proofread the resume.
7) Do not Lie
Don't lie. Ever. The employer or the HR manager are experts in what they do, and one of their next job is to check you and your facts based on what you have mentioned in your resume.

I hope these points, which despite sounding basic are of supreme importance help you as they can easily make or break your prospects of getting that job you desire. All the best for all your pursuits.
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