5 simple ways to crack your first interview

Your First Interview can be a chaos, since you don't know how to prepare. More over everyone is either confused or in dilemma about the job they are applying for. You aren't the only one. Every one has struggled through, so lets break down some important points for you to remember while preparing for interview.
1. Understand Job Requirements
It is very important to understand what is job profile and whether you fit in this profile or not. Always ask for Job Description before appearing for interview. Identify your strengths & be clear on what kind of candidate organization is looking for.It will help you to decide your approach during course of interview.
2. Organize Your Documents
Organize all your certificates, degrees, Id proofs, Photographs and your Resume.
Have 2 photo copies of each plus your originals.
3. Grooming for Interview

How to dress: Five simple rules to remember while getting ready
Ironed Clothes
No Heavy Makeup
No Chunky Jewellery
Formal Attire
Remember you are going for interview an not for film audition. Be clean and fresh while getting ready for interview. Dress simple but formally.
Guys be simple and groom your self. Because your personality speaks through. Don't have rugged look, the interviewer will not be casting you for any hero or villan role.
4. Be Confident
It's pretty common for a freshers to get intimidated by the environment and the interviewers and to feel lot of nerves. But hey RELAX! Understand the fact that the company wants you as much as you need them. They called you in for HR round, because they want to select you, not reject you. So just be yourself.
5. Be Punctual

Be punctual, try to reach on interview location at least 20 mins before. This helps to calm down your anxiety and shows your punctuality and creates a good impression bout you.
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